

Colorado Outdoor Recreation Search and Rescue Card (CORSAR):

Colorado residents and visitors are well served by dedicated volunteer search and rescue teams. By purchasing a Colorado Outdoor Recreation Search and Rescue (CORSAR) card you are contributing to the Search and Rescue Fund, that reimburses teams for costs incurred in search and rescues activities across the State of Colorado. The CORSAR card is available for $5 for a one-year card and $20 for a five-year card.

The CORSAR card is not insurance and does not reimburse individuals nor does it pay for medical transport.

Click the link above to go to CORSAR home page.

Tips from the Posse:

Before you head out on the next adventure, download our handy Outdoor Survival Guide 2025 to give you some tips on what to take, what to wear and how to prepare.

You can also access the archive of Montrose Daily Press Tips from the Posse articles and other articles written by posse member Mark Rackay.

Members of:


The Montrose County Sheriff’s Posse, Inc., is a non-profit corporation organized to provide services through the Montrose County Sheriff’s Office. In Colorado, search and rescue is the responsibility of the County Sheriff and the Montrose County Sheriff’s Posse is a resource provided to the Sheriff or any other emergency agency in the county.

The Posse is comprised of volunteers who provide support to the Sheriff’s Office for Search and Rescue, Wildfire Suppression, mutual aid to other county emergency service providers and security to certain county events.

All the members of the Posse are highly trained, qualified and certified for the operations that they perform. These men and women give freely of their own time while being on call for an emergency 24 hours a day, seven days a week. While the Posse maintains a small fleet of vehicles and rescue equipment, many members use their own equipment, vehicles and ATV's for these operations at their own expense.

The Posse does not charge for their services, but they do rely on the generous contributions from our neighbors and fellow citizens through an annual fund drive.

Any person interested in joining the Posse can submit an application for membership. Contact us using the mailing address, email address or phone number listed below for more information.

Remember that time is of the essence in any emergency. If you or someone you know is in need of assistance, contact 911 immediately. Delaying the call for help can cause undue danger to the person in need and possibly make the mission more dangerous for the Posse. Please do not hesitate to call for help.

Montrose County Sheriff's Posse
Montrose County Sheriff's Posse2 months ago
Great work brothers and sisters, proud to work with you all.
Montrose County Sheriff's Posse
Montrose County Sheriff's Posse2 months ago
A special presentation was made to posse member Jack Lee at our annual banquet. Jack was honored for 48 years of dedicated service to the community as a first responder. As a Deputy Coroner, Fire Chief, and Posse member, Jack has helped a lot of people. Thank you Jack for your dedicated service and your friendship.
Montrose County Sheriff's Posse
Montrose County Sheriff's Posse2 months ago
Last night, the new officers and board members of the Sheriff's Posse took their oath of office, delivered by Sheriff Lillard. Good luck to these dedicated men and women in 2025 as they perform their official duties and as first responders. Stay safe brothers and sisters.
Montrose County Sheriff's Posse
Montrose County Sheriff's Posse3 months ago
Some of our Posse members helped out with Heroes for Kids today. They joined other first responders from our area in making this a special day for kids, with breakfast and a shopping trip. It even included a visit from Santa in the SWAT vehicle. Annabelle sure had a great time with a couple of our folks and a visit with the Sheriff.

MCSP Member Volunteer Hours

2023  -  4,973 Hours
2022  -  4,775 Hours
2021  -  3,533 Hours
2020  -  3,356 Hours
2019  -  3,744 Hours
2018  -  3,351 Hours
2017  -  3,303 Hours
2016  -  3,252 Hours
2015  -  3,434 Hours
2014  -  2,559 Hours
2013  -  2,566 Hours
2012  -  2,808 Hours

Montrose County Sheriff's Posse
PO Box 717
Montrose, CO 81402

Email:       info@mcspi.org
Phone:      970-765-7033

Website:   www.mcspi.org