Tips from the Posse
Here are the articles written by Mark Rackay for the Montrose Daily Press and the Montrose Mirror. They are shown by date published and topic.
There are also articles from the Daily Press where the Posse was involved.
20250104 (Pack Rat)
20250111 (Another Year in the Books)
20250118 (Cold Camping)
20250118 (Posse Letter Goes Out)
20250125 (Carry a Light)
20250201 (Look Out for the Roadrunner)
20250208 (Get Ready to Hit The Trails)
20250215 (Don't Go It Alone)
20250222 (Dogs Have a Sixth Sense)
20250301 (Hunt for the Asian Water Buffalo)
20250308 (Leeches Suck - Bass Beg to Differ)
202401 VH (Work Out in the Cold)
20240105 (Owl vs. Owl)
20240112 (All About Pack Loops)
20240117 (MDP FD Article)
20240119 (Camp Fuels and Cautions)
20240126 (Prairie Madness)
20240202 (Dangerous Snakes)
20240209 (A Lock on Love)
20240216 (Take Things Out of the Pack)
20240224 (Expensive or Cheap Outdoor Clothing)
20240302 (The Thrill of Snow Geese)
20240309 (Try Your Hand at Camp Bread)
20240316 (Survive Off the Land)
20240323 (Missing Persons)
20240330 (April Fish)
20240406 (Bring Back the Wolverine)
20240413 (Invasive Pythons)
20240420 (Embrace Earth Day)
20240427 (The African Elephant)
20240504 (Getting to Know the Great Blue Heron)
20240518 (Return to Argentina)
20240525 (Take Better Pictures of Game Animals)
20240601 (Tread Safely, Carry a Trekking Pole)
20240608 (Spotting the Elusive Leopard)
20240615 (Overcoming Outdoor Phobias)
20240619 (Bobcat SAR - Humanity at it's Best)
20240622 (Circle Back)
20240629 (It's All Uphill)
20240706 (He Fishes With Worms)
20240713 (Be Cautious of Brain Eating Amoeba)
20240720 (It's Lightning Season)
20240727 (Mysteries of Monoliths)
20240803 (Meet the Gentle Pangolin)
20240810 (Mysterious Animal Deaths)
20240817 (The Tricky Alarm Clock)
20240824 (International Travel)
20240829 (Open Seasons) v10
20240831 (Killer Coyotes)
20240907 (Antlered Mice and Jackalope Revisited)
20240914 Animal Rescues That Go Bad)
20240921 (It's Pack Time)
20240928 (Cheaters Caught in the Act)
20241005 (Mule Deer of Colorado)
20241012 (Game Meat - You Shot It, You Eat It)
20241019 (Don't Be That Guy)
20241026 (Cryptids of Colorado)
20241102 (Crayfish or Crawdad - Delicious)
20241109 (A Sound in the Woods)
20241116 (Get Your Vehicle Ready for Winter)
20241123 (Thanksgiving was Different)
20241130 (Phones and Watches Smarter)
20241207 (Seeing a Kit Fox Offers Rare Treat)
20241214 (The Multi-Purpose Swiss Army Knife)
20241221 (Christmas Stockings and Other Traditions)
20241228 (Deep Winter Sleep)
20230106 (The Most Recognizable Bird in the World)
20230113 (Fight Cabin Fever with Activity, Gear Prep)
20230114 (New Tech Aids Posse)
20230120 (Forgotten Survival and Living Skills)
20230127 (Stop the Bleeding)
20230203 (The Javelina is no Mere Hog)
20230210 (Ways to Fight the Enemy - Rust)
20230217 (Waterproofing Boots)
20230224 (The Mighty Zippo Lighter)
20230303 (Meet the Mighty Burro)
20230310 (The Legal Battle Over Corner Crossings)
20230317 (The Time, It is a'Changing)
20230324 (Trail Cams and Technology)
20230331 (Food Safety While Camping)
20230407 (Long Live the Jackrabbit)
20230410 (Learning to Save Lives)
20230414 (Bucket List Vacation)
20230421 (Mushrooms, Some Tasty, Others Deadly)
20230428 (Camp Food for Kids)
20230505 (Blackbuck Antelope)
20230512 (Catalogues from the Good Ol' Days)
20230519 (Keeping the Cooler Cold)
20230526 (Take Your Spouse Along)
20230602 (Winter Exacts Heavy Toll on Wildlife)
20230609 (Big Knife)
20230616 (Bush Plane Opens Frontiers)
20230623 (Bear Encounters on the Increase)
20230630 (Exercise Caution During Monsoon Season)
20230707 (Pere David's Deer)
20230714 (Slow Learners Gamble with Their Lives)
20230721 (All About Ivory)
20230728 (Survival of the Fittest)
20230804 (All About Those Pesky Flies)
20230811 (Fish, Vacations and Rain)
20230818 (Adventures in Africa)
20230825 (Lunch in the Great Outdoors)
20230901 (Moose, Unexpected Attacker)
20230908 (Sometimes the Mountain Keeps a Secret)
20230915 (Packs Don't Help When Left at Home)
20230922 (Taking on Poachers)
20230929 (Knot Tying is an Underrated Skill)
20231006 (The Ants Go Marching)
20231013 (Opening Day Memories)
20231020 (The Cape Buffalo Commands Respect)
20231027 (Missing Persons, a Halloween Mystery)
20231103 (Bucket List Bonefish)
20231110 (Camp Coffee and the Magic Elixir of Memories)
20231117 (The Fascinating Spotted Hyena)
20231201 (All About the Bobcat)
20231208 (The Joys of Truck Camping)
20231215 (Keeping Track of the Kudu)
20231222 (Bringing Outdoors Indoors)
20231229 (New Year, New Stuff)
20220107 (The Know on the Brown Trout)
20220114 (The Lure of a Campfire)
20220115 (Ready and Able)
20220121 (Day Hikes During Winter)
20220128 (The Many Ways We Lose Heat)
20220204 (Mountain Lion Attacks)
20220211 (A Winch is not Just a Hood Ornament)
20220218 (Check the Forecast)
20220225 (Think 3 Days When You Pack)
20220304 (All About Albinism)
20220311 (Bucket List Game and Fish-Tarpon)
20220318 (The Fuse on the Feral Swine Bomb)
20220325 (The Sun, the Moon, and Fishing, Hunting)
20220401 (Get Your Mind in Shape)
20220408 (In Search of the Rare Ringtail)
20220415 (Fighting Headaches in the Outdoors)
20220422 (Be Prepared, Avoid Flat Tires)
20220429 (Safari in South America)
20220506 (Chasing the Mighty Musky)
20220513 (Friday the 13th is Hard on Outdoorsmen)
20220520 (Seek Permission for your Hunting & Fishin')
20220527 (The Outdoors is Better with Your Better Half)
20220603 (Lizards Among Us)
20220610 (Stealth Camping - Be Responsible)
20220617 (The Old Man's Favorite Fishing Hole)
20220624 (Add a Few Things to the Pack)
20220701 (The Jumping Mouse is a Rare Breed)
20220708 (Space Blankets Stand the Test of Time)
20220715 (The Right Cooler Matters)
20220722 (Watch Out for the Tricky Tick)
20220729 (Belts Do More Than Hold Up Your Pants)
20220805 (Are Animals Color Blind)
20220812 (It's Time to Lose the Hiking Boots)
20220819 (Dangerous Game Includes the Mosquitos)
20220826 (Going Alone in the Wilderness)
20220826 (The Mountain Always Wins)
20220902 (Elk Season is Upon Us)
20220909 (Your Annual Survival Pack Reminder)
20220916 (Don't Run Afoul of the Lacey Act)
20220923 (Homework Pays Off for Hunters)
20220930 (Chainsaws Come in Handy)
20221007 (All About the Northern Pike)
20221014 (First Aid for Your Dog)
20221021 (Carry the Load Without Pain)
20221028 (Feral People in the Great Outdoors)
20221104 (Fever is a Warning Sign)
20221111 (Bison - Better Back Off)
20221118 (Rituals, Thanksgiving and the Like)
20221125 (Fire for Survival)
20221202 (Jaguar Making a Comeback)
20221209 (Traveling Post Covid - Pack Differently)
20221216 (Knowing Magnetic North)
20221223 (Christmas Vacation and the Outdoors)
20221230 (Daydreaming and Bucket Lists)
202101 VH Getting Back on Track in 2021
20210101 (Year of the Wolverine)
20210108 (Coming Full Circle with Wool)
20210115 (Two, Four or All)
20210122 (A Night in the Woods)
20210129 (Flashlights - Less Can be Better)
202102 VH Winter Weather and Your Arthritis
20210205 (The Coyote is Here to Stay)
20210212 (Try Some Long Johns for your Outdoor Activities)
20210219 (Find a Sleeping Bag that Matches your Needs)
20210226 (Theres no Greater Experience Than Receiving the First Knife)
202103 VH The Health Benefits of Eating Fish
20210305 (Have You Heard About the Great Horned Owl)
20210312 (Avoid Most Common Outdoor Injuries)
20210319 (Using the Moon as a Navigation Tool)
20210326 (Easy on the Eyes - Pick Binoculars with Care)
202104 VH Do You Have Spring Fever
20210402 (Tread With Care During Rattlesnake Season)
20210409 (Get Your Mind in Shape)
20210416 (Bringing Home a New Outdoor Chariot)
20210423 (When Minor Cuts and Scrapes Become Serious)
20210430 (Know when the Boots ar Worn Out)
202105 VH Start Slow
20210507 (Armadillos in Colorado)
20210514 (Get Your Kids Outdoors)
20210521 (The Trick to Estimating Distances)
20210528 (All About Night Vision)
202106 VH High Altitude Workout
20210604 (Learning About and Appreciating Bats)
20210611 (Traveling and Medications)
20210618 (Aurora Borealis)
20210625 (Key to Cleanliness)
202107 VH What's the Best Time to Exercise
20210702 (Unwelcome Visitors Zebra Mussels)
20210709 (The Wonders of Yellowstone)
20210716 (Bluebirds at home in CO)
20210723 (Be Mindful of Ticks in CO)
20210730 (Predator Match-Up Wolf vs Lynx)
20210806 (A Horse Lovers Paradise)
20210813 (Brush Truck Skid)
20210813 (I'll take the .22 Long Rifle)
20210820 (Cooking Over the Fire)
20210827 (Strengthen Your Survival Pack)
20210903 (The Gift of the Arctic Grayling)
20210910 (Polaris is the North Star, for Now)
20210917 (Not-So-Docile Animals - Angry Beavers)
20210924 (Hunter Safety Classes are About More than Hunting)
20211001 (Hybrid Deer Hard to Spot)
20211008 (When People Die in the Outdoors, Sometimes Friends Find Them)
20211015 (Tips to Keep Your Dog Safe When Roaming Outdoors)
20211022 (Zen and the Art of Trailer Maintenance)
20211029 (Ghosts, Supernatural and Other Things to Blame)
20211105 (Sharpening Your Knives - It's Important)
20211112 (The Lure of the Pikeminnow)
20211119 (Thanks or No Thanks)
20211126 (Mentoring Young People)
20211203 (Rare Wildlife in CO)
20211210 (Coronavirus in Deer)
20211217 (Preventive Maintenance Critical in the Great Outdoors)
20211224 (Boats for Christmas)
20211231 (A Year in the Books)
20200103 (Tree Squirrels of Colorado)
20200110 VH (Athlete's Foot)
20200110 (It's Not All Doom and Gloom)
20200117 (Don't Overlook a Good Pair of Gloves)
20200124 (Layer Up)
20200131 (Frostbite, Frostnip and Cold Hands)
20200131 (Posse Needs Trucks & Volunteers)
20200207 (Wild Hogs in Colorado)
20200214 (Alabama the Cure for Seasonal Gloom)
20200221 (Winter Camping and Staying Warm While Sleeping)
20200228 (Barometers and Being Prepared for Wild Weather)
20200306 (The Sounds of Woodpeckers are Approaching)
20200306 VH (It Starts with a Healthy Heart)
20200313 (The Outdoor Myths)
20200320 (Shelter in Place for Now)
20200327 (Survival Rules of 3)
20200403 VH (Preventing Nagging Charley Horse)
20200403 (This Too Shall Pass)
20200410 (The Mighty Macs)
20200417 (Getting Away in the Wilderness)
20200424 (Blaze a Trail)
20200501 VH (Don't Catch a Case of Hiker's Knee)
20200501 (Surprise, Mountain Goats are Honorary Natives)
20200508 (Freeze-Dried or Dehydrated Food)
20200515 (How to Pack your Pack)
20200522 (The Tech of Camouflage - In Hunters and Prey)
20200529 (Tent in Your Pocket)
20200605 (Beware of the Porcupine)
20200605 VH (Water, Water, Water)
20200612 (Your ATV Needs an Emergency Kit, Too)
20200619 (Dandelions)
20200626 (Travel Insurance is a Survival Tool)
202007 VH Kick Your Water up a Notch
20200703 (Ravens Carry Many Spiritual Meanings)
20200710 (West Nile Virus and a Few Others)
20200717 (Super Glue has Limitless List of Uses)
20200724 (The Right Tool Wins in the End)
20200731 (Don't Get Beat by the Heat)
20200807 (Dealing with Deer Flies in CO)
20200814 (Get Ready Before You Go)
20200821 (A Deep Dive Into the Rut)
20200828 (The Cell Phone in Your Pocket)
20200904 (Beware of Yellow Jackets)
20200911 (Time to Check Your Pack)
20200918 (Escaping Off-Grid)
20200925 (A Lesson on Range Finders)
20201002 (Grizzly Bears Once Called CO Home)
20201009 (Signs of the Season)
20201016 (Be Aware Roaming Public Lands)
20201023 (The Science of Luck)
20201030 (Haunting Nature of Gold Camp Tunnels)
20201106 (Getting to Know the Possum)
20201113 (Poachers Don't Make it Easy)
20201120 (Thanksgiving Turkey)
20201127 (Winterizing Outdoors Equipment)
20201204 (Tidbits and Facts on Reindeer)
20201211 (Tips for getting the Best Socks)
20201218 (War Birds Have Quite the History)
20201225 (A Surprising Happy BB Gun Christmas)
20190104 VH (After the Holidays)
20190106 (Nothing New)
20190113 (The Sly Red Fox)
20190120 (Preseason Fever or Cabin Fever)
20190203 (What is a Pika)
20190210 (Carbon Monoxide is a Silent Killer)
20190217 (Beating Cold Feet)
20190224 (Sheltering Up When You Need To)
20190301 VH (Finding Motivation When You Need It)
20190303 (River Otters - Do They Bite)
20190310 (Weather Lore)
20190317 (Sandhill Cranes in Western CO)
20190324 (Signal When You Want to be Found)
20190331 (Yeti, Bigfoot or Sasquatch)
20190407 (Bound for Argentina, How to Pack)
20190414 (All About Badgers)
20190421 (Argentina Adventure)
20190428 (Time for New Shoes)
20190505 (Antler Magic)
20190512 (Have Awareness on the Trail)
20190519 (Mistakes Backpackers and Hikers Make)
20190526 (Good Luck Charm or a Proper Mindset)
20190602 (It's All About Rabbits)
20190607 VH (Early Season Sunburn)
20190609 (We Are Not the First)
20190616 (Get to Know the Dusky Grouse)
20190623 (As the Wind Blows)
20190630 (The Art of Making a Fire)
20190709 (All About Maggies)
20190714 (Readers Questions Answered)
20190721 (Maps, They Can Save Your Trip)
20190726 (The Old Fashioned Compass)
20190802 (Bighorn Sheep)
20190809 (Staying Alive When a Flash Flood Comes)
20190816 (Changes in First Aid Response)
20190823 (What's in Your Pack)
20190830 (Thinking About Doves & Pigeons)
20190906 VH (Healthy Eyes are Important)
20190906 (Using Multi-Purpose Survival Tools)
20190913 (Watch out for These Stinging Monsters)
20190920 (Tips for Spotting Wildlife)
20190927 (Survival Kit for your Gear)
20191004 (Friend or Feral)
20191004 VH (Naps can be Good for You)
20191011 (The Reason People Become Lost)
20191018 (Sleep is an Important Survival Tool)
20191025 (Things You Don't Want to be Without)
20191101 (Skunks)
20191108 (Spending a Day in the Adobes)
20191115 (Learning about the Outdoors)
20191122 (Outside the Box)
20191129 (Learning About the Outdoors)
20191206 (How to Properly Fly with Firearms)
20191206 VH (Avoid Gut Troubles While Traveling)
20191213 (Vehicle Readiness for the Winter Season)
20191220 (What's on the Christmas Wishlist)
20191227 (Looking Back)
20180105 VH (Outdoors - the Natural Stress Reliever)
20180107 (Here are Some Takeaways)
20180114 (Whitetail and Mule Deer in Colorado)
20180121 (Ice Fishing and Ice Safety)
20180128 (Winter Vehicle Safety)
20180204 VH (Heart Health and the Outdoors)
20180204 (The Canadian Lynx in CO)
20180211 (The Dangers of Exposure)
20180218 (Battery Blues)
20180225 (Meals Ready to Eat - the MRE)
20180302 VH (Sharpen your Mind Outdoors)
20180304 (Wolves in Colorado)
20180311 (Hearing Protection)
20180318 (Heading Out - Pack Your Meds)
20180325 (Night Walking)
20180401 (Special Hunt for Jackalope)
20180406 VH (Going Green Camping)
20180408 (Colorado Turkey, the Merriams)
20180415 (Wildfire Preparation for your Property)
20180422 (A Study of Fatalities)
20180429 (Your Brain as a Survival Tool)
20180504 VH (Find Your Happy Place)
20180506 (Bears in Colorado)
20180513 (Finding North)
20180520 (Advice on How to Survive a Wildfire)
20180527 (Share the Outdoors with your Spouse)
20180603 (Hummingbirds)
20180610 (Keep Your Gear Safe)
20180617 (Just One Bonefish)
20180624 (The Skeeters are Back)
20180701 (Where the Bison Once Roamed)
20180706 VH (Summer Heat)
20180708 (The Sun and Your Eyes)
20180715 (Prairie Dog)
20180722 (When Lightning Strikes)
20180729 (Going Alone)
20180803 VH (Take a Stretch)
20180805 (Moose in Colorado)
20180812 (Shape Up for the Hunt)
20180819 (Immunize Before the Trip)
20180826 (Don't Forget the Furry Kids)
201809 OS (Getting Along With Your Guide and Outfitter)
201809 OS (Taking Care of Game Meat)
201809 OS (The Just in Case Pack)
201809 OS (Firearm Safety)
20180902 (The Beaver is a Colorado Native)
20180909 (A Tale of Two Hunters, the Survival Pack) 20180916 (Calling for Help)
20180922 (The Whistle Pig)
20180930 (Gold in the Hills, the Aspen Tree)
20181005 VH (Change of Season Illness)
20181007 (The Colorado Speed Goat)
20181014 (Teaching our Kids What to Do)
20181021 (First Aid - Just in Case)
20181028 (What is Happening to Our Trees)
20181102 VH (Laugh it Off)
20181104 (Wapiti)
20181111 (After the Fire)
20181118 (An Outdoorsman Gives Thanks)
20181125 (Walking in Circles)
20181202 (Colorado's Canada Geese)
20181207 VH (Add Strength Training to Your Workout)
20181209 (Choosing Your Pack Wisely)
20181216 (My Annual Christmas Grant Request)
20181223 (Getting Your Rig Ready for Winter)
20181230 (Saying Goodbye to 2018)
20170113 (Snowshoes)
20170127 (GPS Pt 1)
20170203 VH (Cardio in the Cold)
20170206 MM (Mountain Lions)
20170210 (GPS Pt 2)
20170224 (Duct Tape)
20170303 VH (Green Workout)
20170306 MM (Canadian Lynx)
20170310 (Windchill)
20170324 (CPR)
20170327 MM (Spring Turkey Season)
20170407 (Wildfires)
20170407 VH (Water)
20170421 (Pocket First Aid Kit)
20170501 MM (ATV)
20170505 (72 Hr Emergency Kit)
20170507 VH (Your Feet are the Tires for Your Body)
20170519 (Footwear)
20170602 (Shin Splints)
20170605 MM (Skunks)
20170607 VH (How Much Water is Enough)
20170616 (The Right Knife)
20170630 (The Right Knife Blade)
20170703 MM (Lightning)
20170707 VH (Hiking with Arthritis)
20170714 (The Magnesium Fire Starter)
20170728 (The Highest Level of Your Training)
20170804 VH (Take Care of Your Eyes)
20170807 MM (The Bugs are Out)
20170811 (Living Off The Land)
20170811 MDP Open Season (Several Articles)
20170825 (For Top Trail Performance, Get Your Zs)
20170904 MM (Get Ready for the Hunting Season)
20170907 VH (Getting Along With The Sun)
20170908 (Getting Yourself Ready For The Hunt)
20170915 (Let's Welcome Fall)
20170922 (Animal vs Vehicle Collisions)
20171006 (Murphy's Law also applies to the Outdoors)
20171020 (Attitude Can Be Everything)
20171103 VH (Staying Active in the Winter Months)
20171105 (Finding New Foundland)
20171112 (Cellphone Survival)
20171119 (The Mule Deer in Colorado)
20171126 (The Flashlight)
20171203 (Mountain Lions in Colorado)
20171210 (Choose the Right Flashlight)
20171217 (What I Want for Christmas)
20171224 (Does the Moon Affect Us)
20171231 (Mistakes)
20160902 (Rabbit Fever)
20160916 (Black Widow)
20160930 (Staying Safe During Hunting Season)
20161014 (Pocket Survival Kit)
20161021 (Carbon Monoxide)
20161104 (Calling 911 Pt 1)
20161118 (Calling 911 Pt 2)
20161123 (New ATV)
20161202 (Year in Review Pt 1)
20161216 (Year in Review Pt 2)
20161226 MM (MCSP Serving the Community)
20161230 (Snowmobile Safety)
20150605 (Taking Kids Camping)
20150619 (Wildfire Mitigation at Home)
20150630 (OS Guide-Photos 5 and 12)
20150630 (OS Guide-Lower Your Risk for Altitude Sickness)
20150630 (OS Guide-What to Pack for Hunting Expedition)
20150703 (Campfire Safety)
20150717 (Wildfire Safety)
20150814 (Drinking Water)
20150821 (Bugs)
20150904 (Preseason Prep for Hunt)